April 24, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

So I decided to get on the blogging bandwagon... it's true. Over the next few days I will probably be doing quite a few posts with some ideas that I've already got sitting in my "blog it" folder on my computer.
But what am I blogging about exactly? Well... I'm blogging about GIRL TIME in a house full of boys. I am currently a full time SAHM/WAHM of 4 - yes I said four kids. I have three boys and of course my girl Kenz. Kenz is 3 years old and has a head full of gorgeous blond hair that both her and I enjoy doing in fun and interesting hairstyles. Ever since she had enough hair on her head for little "antennae" we have been doing ponies, piggies, and braids. Not only does it keep her hair neat and tamed but it gives us a few minutes every day to spend together.
This blog will mainly be aimed at her different hairdos since I've had so many people comment on them lately but I may get side-tracked from time to time and ramble about anything else I might think of us primarily "girl".
I hope that anyone who stumbles across my small space enjoys my ideas and ramblings!


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