December 21, 2011
Cindy Lou Who and Crayola Markers

Labels: braids, colour, crazy hair day, fun
December 04, 2011
Sometimes the best hair...
I'm a hair mom. I LOVE having Kenz's hair done and looking all pretty every day. She enjoys picking out styles to wear and helping me come up with new ideas. HOWEVER... doing hair is one of those things that to be honest, doesn't always get done the way I would like it to. However, throughout the last few years I have learned a few things. The most important thing I've learned is not to panic. In the early years of hair-doing, if a style fell out, or a hat messed up her hair I would worry. Especially if it was an event of some sort where pictures would be taken. It took me a good couple years to loosen up and relax, we've learned that not every hair has to be in place, and in fact sometimes the best hairstyles for pictures are loose and natural. For example, recently my husband and I took the kids to a local park to walk around and shoot some random pictures. In the car on the way Kenzie's hair fell out and she stuck her hat on her head and we just went with it. When I got home and I loaded the pics onto the computer I was actually quite happy with the way her hair looked natural and comfortable. Here are some pics for examples:

Labels: Messy Hair, pony, Un-Done Hair
December 03, 2011
Belle Hairstyle
I know it has been a long time since we've posted any hairstyles, but we have a few photographed and ready to be posted again, so we thought we would add some new ones.
The first style that I'm going to post is not one that I thought of, actually The Story of a Princess and her Hair did an amazing tutorial Right Here. The only thing that we did different, is for the bump we just bobby pinned it in place and put a headband under the twists instead of the bracelet around the bump.
Here's our version:

Labels: elegant, halloween, mostly down, princess
June 12, 2011
Double Criss-Cross (take 2)

Labels: 1/2 french braids, Criss Cross, elegant, french braids
June 10, 2011
Purple Streaks

May 05, 2011
Headband - Still my favourite

Labels: dutch braids, headband, mostly down
March 20, 2011
Weekend at Nannies
The kids (all 4!) spent the weekend with Nanny (grandma) to give Dad and I some peace and quiet. Before they left Nanny asked me to put Kenzie's hair up so she didn't have to do anything with it. This is what we came up with:

Labels: braids, corn rows, lasting styles
January 15, 2011
Dress Giveaway!
Anyone with a little girl needs to head over to Megan's Closet and check out the giveaway going on for the ADORABLE dress!
Click Here!!

Labels: Giveaway
December 12, 2010
The extent of our hair-doing

November 05, 2010
Simple Twists Pulled into a Pony